Kiwi Mortgages

First Home Buyer

First Home Loan

Buying your first home? Kiwi Mortgages is here to assist and provide you with all the information you need and get you the best possible first home loan deals. We guide you at every step, answer all your queries, potentially save you from those expensive mistakes, and make sure that buying first home is memorable experience for you as it is a lifetime investment.

Kiwi Mortgages is your ladder to first home grant with careful planning and practical guidance. Our mortgage advisers have the competence and knowledge to guide you through the end-to-end process of your first mortgage.

Everything You Need to Know about how Kiwi Mortgages Makes Buying First Home Easier

Having years of industry experience, we have helped tons of kiwis with their first home owners grant – at Kiwi Mortgages, we focus on stuff that’s most important for you!

Below are some handy tips for ‘first-time home buyers’ and we at Kiwi Mortgages are always there for you – call us TODAY:

  • First Home Buyers should talk to experienced advisers like Kiwi Mortgages and benefit from their free services.
  • Maintain clean credit history which does not have defaults / too many enquiries in short span of time. You may request your own credit history file free or at nominal charge
  • Maintain good account conduct with no dishonours / unauthorised overdrafts
  • Resist avoidable purchases and continue saving towards deposit, including KiwiSaver to reach your first home purchase sooner than later
  • Keep your debt to minimum possible and below $15,000 under the First Home Loan scheme
  • Use your credit card sensibly and pay off in full at due date. Do not use credit card for cash advances
  • Have proper due diligence while purchasing. Ask questions – it is your right
  • Seek advice from experts – RE Agents; Mortgage Advisers; Solicitors; Accountants. They are all there to help the First Home Buyers
  • Get bank approval in place for your first home purchase before you make an offer
  • Get the bank to approve the property before you make unconditional offer or bid in auction for your first home
  • Check how much you can withdraw from your KiwiSaver
  • Check if you are eligible for the First Home Loan Grant
  • Get the LIM checked by your solicitor – urgent orders may cost up to $389
  • Check the floor plan. Look closely if any additions not consented by council
  • Get a building inspection done as it may be a requirement for your first mortgage – the cost may vary but around $600
  • Visit the property more than once, especially evening and feel the neighbourhood as this is going to be the first home for you and your family
  • Do your research carefully about the maximum you will pay for the property
  • Registered Valuation Report, if required may cost around $650 for a standard residential property
  • Meth test – consider if required – may cost around $200
  • Conveyancing and legal advice to complete your first time home buyer transaction through your solicitor – their fee may vary, check with your lawyer first

This is just a general guide we have designed for the First Home Buyers who are looking for their First Home Loan. For detailed guidance and advice specifically suited to your needs for your first time home buyer, talk to Kiwi Mortgages.


To be eligible for a KiwiSaver First Home Grant, you must:* Be over 18 * Not currently own any property * Have been contributing to KiwiSaver at least 3 years or more * Agree to live in your new house for at least 6 months

In the 12 months before you apply, you must have earned:

* $85,000 or less before tax for a single buyer
* $130,000 or less before tax for 2 or more buyers

It’s depending on your income, credit history and employment history. Each lender has its own criteria, more details call us on Toll Free 0508 33 22 11.

As a first time home buyer in NZ, you must provide evidence that you have a deposit of at least 5% of the purchase price of the house you want to buy or build.

If you want first time home buyer loan, you can withdraw as much as you choose, but you must leave a minimum balance of $1000 in your account.

Welcome Home Loan is supported by Housing New Zealand making it easier for you to get into your first home mortgage. With a Welcome Home Loan you need to have a deposit that is equal to or excess of 10% of the purchase price.